Speaking to Danvers High School health class students, 2019

To Nurture & Sustain
A Welcoming & Thriving Danvers 

I am running for Danvers Select Board, because I want to continue to help keep this town a great place to live, raise a family, and build community. Danvers has been my home for almost 14 years with my wife Jocelyne and our three children, Anthony, AnnLauren, and AngieLouise. I hope to be a fresh voice to elevate the needs of the community. 

I love this community.
We have good schools with quality education and educators that are continuing to work hard to improve the experiences of all students. The schools have a wide variety of core courses for students as well as a great music and art programs that were really important for my kids. 

Our town is generally safe and we have good services (snow removal, electricity, water, etc.). It's been a privilege to volunteer and serve on the Board of Health, DanversCARES, as a town meeting member, and on the Human Rights and Inclusion Committee (HRIC), where I now serve as chair. I volunteer with Danvers Community Access Television (DCAT) to film and broadcast some Danvers High School (DHS) sports events. 

Through my various roles in Danvers, I continue to help organize several community events throughout the year which offer our residents a truly unique and powerful way to engage with each other, build relationships, and create meaningful experiences that hopefully leave a lasting impression. I will work tirelessly and humbly to find compromises and solutions, even in disagreement. I will attentively listen to all our community members' concerns to build a strong and prosperous Danvers, one that is welcoming and thrives.  

Dr. Dutrochet Djoko

The Djoko Family in 2015