Hosted by the Danvers Human Rights & Inclusion Committee and Danvers High School

Danvers Board of Health

Member since 2018
The Board of Health is required by state and local laws and regulations to perform many critical duties related to the protection of public health.  Public health control and prevention activities include disease surveillance, the promotion of sanitary conditions in housing, recreational facilities, and food establishments, as well as elimination of nuisances, the protection of the environment, and numerous other responsibilities. 

“It was humbling and difficult to help keep the community as safe as we could during the COVID pandemic. I was able to balance public safety and resident concerns and help develop policies to help us see the other side of the pandemic.

Danvers Public Schools

Parent & Volunteer since 2015
Dr. Djoko has presented at several Danvers High School (DHS) Career Fairs with the hope of inspiring our students to go into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and /or healthcare.
He has volunteered as a preceptor for DHS students during their externship to encourage them to explore different career paths. Additionally, he has been a guest speaker at the high school program “One Choice Changes Everything” to educate the youth about the danger of opioids and prescription drug abuse and to lift the stigma associated with substance abuse disorders which sometimes prevent people from seeking the help needed. 

Town Meeting

Town Meeting Member since 2017

“As a town meeting member, I believe I have represented my precinct well. I have listened attentively to the concerns of the residents in my precinct and work to address them. I encouraged residents to volunteer and serve in the local town government and have successfully convinced at least one who is now a town meeting member himself. I have encouraged residents to register to vote and exercise their civic duty regardless of who they vote for. I have supported residents in addressing issues such as fixing pot holes, snow removal, street signage, and school bus routes among other things. I voted for fiscally responsible budgets with proper funding for our schools, police, fire, Department of Public Works, and other line departments.”  

Human Rights & Inclusion Committee (HRIC)

Member since 2014; Chair beginning 2017
The HRIC is a cohesive task force working to address any acts of  intolerance, bigotry, and oppression in Danvers. HRIC partners with police, school administration, interfaith leaders, and several community partners on events and in discussions to create a positive atmosphere for an inclusive, multi-cultural community.


Coalition Member since 2016
DanversCARES, a dynamic community coalition, encourages youth to be resilient, grounded in values and adaptable in the face of change and cultural influences normalizing drug use and violence believing that when they feel connected,  goal-oriented, and equipped they will make healthy decisions. 

Danvers Community Access Television (DCAT)

Volunteer since 2019
Providing coverage of Danvers High School sporting events.

Welcome Community Working Group

Served September 2020 - March 2021
Dr. Djoko served on several working groups over the years including the Welcome Community Working Group. This group included town Police, Fire, Town Meeting members, residents, faith based partners, select board members, and other town leaders. The group worked for several months to find consensus and common ground on some of the difficult issues facing our town with the goal to build a better, prosperous Danvers, one that is welcoming and thrives.